You will receive an email notifying you when your tax forms are available. Each of these forms report different forms of income from your investments. These are the following are the types of forms you may receive:
Consolidated 1099: If you meet the criteria for multiple 1099s, we will issue you a “Consolidated 1099.” This form consolidates all the forms into one for your convenience.
1099-B: The 1099-B is a tax form that itemizes all your transactions in the tax year. This information is used to complete your Schedule D of your tax return to list gains and losses for the tax year. You should receive this form if you did not sell any investments in the tax year.
1099-DIV: You should receive this for if your investments paid dividends of $10 or more.
1099-INT: You should receive this form if you earned $10 or more in interest.
1042S: If you are not a US citizen and subject to income withholding in the United States, you should receive this form to report income subject to withholding.
Please note that Plenty does not give tax advice, and you should contact a tax professional with any tax questions, or if you need help filing your taxes.